

Best Answer

Ther is no maximum limit.

The highest IQ ever recorded was 228

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Q: What is the biggest IQ a person can have?
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Who has the biggest IQ?

chris langan

Does brain size have to do with IQ?

No. "IQ" is the term for "Intelligence Quotient." Different IQ's have all different types of brain characteristics differing from person to person

What is the average IQ of a person in the US?

The average IQ of a person in the US is around 98. IQ scores are standardized to have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.

What is the average IQ of a person in India?

The average IQ of a person in India is estimated to be around 82.

What IQ does a person need to pass the GED?

There is not a specific IQ level which allows a person to pass the GED.

Who has the biggest brain in De Soto?

Nicholas storie he has an IQ of 149 sam pona is pertty smart too with an IQ of 144

What is the average IQ of the United Kingdom?

the average IQ of a british person is 84

What is the average IQ of a person in the UK?

The average adult IQ in the UK is 100

What should be the IQ for a 26 year old person?

Your IQ does not reflect your age.

Who has the biggest IQ in the world?

It kind of doesn't matter. Scientists are divided on what "IQ" actually means, and on whether or not a high IQ proves anything more than that you're good at the sorts of questions are on IQ tests (and, as a correllary, on what kinds of questions should be included on an IQ test).

What is a person with zero IQ?

those person is mad.

How important is IQ to a person?

IQ of a person is some total of refection of his personality. By interacting with a person on can judge his level of Intelligence.