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Around the 95 range.

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Q: What is the average IQ for a 8 year old?
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What is an average IQ for an adult woman age 26?

An average IQ is 100. It does not matter how old a person is. An 8 year old's average IQ is 100. A 40 year old's average IQ is 100. IQ tests take age into account so that the average IQ is the same for any age.

What is the average IQ for and 8 year old starting the third grade?


What is an above average IQ for an 8 year old girl?

Anything above 100 would point to a higher than average IQ. An IQ of 100 demonstrates the ability to function at age level.

Is 97 a good IQ score for a 8 year old girl?

An IQ score of 97 for an 8-year-old falls within the average range. This means the 8-year-old girl is performing at a level similar to her peers in terms of intellectual ability. Keep in mind that IQ scores are just one measure of cognitive functioning and should be interpreted in conjunction with other factors.

What does an IQ of 92 for a 8 yr old boy mean?

It means the boy has an average IQ.

Is a 118 IQ good for a 8 year old boy?

It means you're above the average joe. Well done!

What is the IQ range for a 8 year old female?

The average IQ range for an 8 year old female is between 90-110, which falls within the normal range of intelligence. IQ scores may vary and should be interpreted in conjunction with other factors such as academic performance and social skills.

Is IQ of 120 normal for an 8 year old?

The average IQ of all humans is 100. Anyone over the average has slightly higher intelligence. Someone with an IQ of 80 would be considered mentally disabled and someone with an IQ of 120 would be considered intelligent. Not Albert Einstein but above the average.

What IQ do year 8 students have?

On average, year 8 students have an IQ in the range of 90-110, which is considered within the normal range of intelligence. However, it's important to remember that IQ scores can vary among individuals, and they are just one measure of cognitive ability.

What type of questions are on the WASI verbal IQ test for a 8 year old?

Anyone that is qualified to administer this IQ. test is not allowed to divulge that information to the general public. But rest assured, if your child has average intelligence the 8 year old will sail through it. I'm not sure if it is normed for an 8 year old, it might be the WIPSSI. NO CHEATING! LOL i did it spoiled it :0 lol :)

What is the average IQ for an 8 year old boy?

According to the theory, the average IQ is 100 no matter how old you are. For a given individual, IQ is not something that you would expect to see go up (or down) with age as you would expect to see with things like height or weight, within certain age ranges.

Is an IQ score of 108 good for an 8 year old boy?

A score of 108 is considered to fall within the average range for IQ tests. It indicates that the 8-year-old boy's cognitive abilities are on par with his peers. IQ scores are just one measure of intelligence and may not fully capture a child's abilities or potential.