It is the same as for everyone else. 100 is average, so 100+ is above average IQ.
Around the 95 range.
for me it is good..
I am a 15 year old girl and my IQ is 150.I am a 12 year old girl and mine is 127I am a 11 year old girl and I have an IQ of 128There have been no studies about this topic but a gifted child at least has an IQ of 130.
Not really good as the average IQ for a young teen is 110
The average IQ score for a 13-year-old girl is around 100, which is the same as the overall average IQ score for the general population. IQ scores are standardized to have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. This means that the majority of individuals (around 68%) fall within the range of 85 to 115. It is important to note that IQ scores are just one measure of intelligence and do not capture the full range of abilities and skills that individuals possess.
The average IQ of the population is 100. IQ results don't depend on age or gender, so there is no difference in the average IQ for varying ages. Therefore, for a 15 year old boy, the average IQ is still 100.
Yes. This is on the high end of the average range.
IQ (intelligence quotient) is a test that scores human intelligence. The IQ range for a thirteen year old ranges from 90 to 100.
An IQ of 117 for a 15-year-old girl is considered above average. It falls within the range of high average intelligence. IQ scores can vary and do not solely determine a person's abilities or potential for success.
The average IQ is supposed to be 100 +/-15. so an IQ of 112 means the person is at the upper end of the normal range.
An IQ of 178 is considered exceptionally high for anyone, regardless of age. Scoring in this range places a 15-year-old well above average intelligence levels and indicates great potential for academic and cognitive abilities.
100. The average is the same regardless of age.
IQ scores are standardized by age, with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. So, the average IQ for a 27-year-old woman would also be around 100, with a range of scores considered within the normal distribution.
Around the 95 range.
for me it is good..
An IQ of 198 is extremely high for anyone, including a 15 year old. It would be considered exceptional and well above the genius level on most IQ scales.