

What is the IQ range?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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12y ago

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If you are talking about statisitics, in a box and whisker graph it is the interquartile range.

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Is 113 good for an IQ?

And IQ of 113 is considered slightly above average. (The average range being between 90 and 110). A person with an IQ in the 130-140 range is considered "gifted". An IQ of over 140 is very rare and is considered in the genius range.

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IQ (intelligence quotient) is a test that scores human intelligence. The IQ range for a thirteen year old ranges from 90 to 100.

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It is within the "High Average" range of IQ values.

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Hillary Clinton's IQ score is 140. On the IQ scale, this puts her in the high range of "Exceptional."

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Hillary Clinton's IQ score is 140. On the IQ scale, this puts her in the high range of "Exceptional."

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Yes. 119 is in the high end of the "Superior" range of intelligence.

How does 120 IQ measure up?

120 is a fairly good IQ- in the Very Superior range.

Obama IQ is what number?

There is no official record of Barack Obama's IQ score. IQ scores are not usually publicly disclosed for individuals, including politicians.

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Severely retarded individuals have IQ scores of 20-40.

Is 500 IQ good?

IQ scores fall in a range from 0 to 200. You need to validate the score.

Is 97.5 bad for an IQ average?

no, it's average. only your IQ is probably a range, 95-100.