

What is the Holy Spirit?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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11y ago

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The Holy Spirit is God in Spiritual form and is often represented by a dove. The Holy Spirit was sent to provide further understanding of God after Jesus ascended into Heaven. Jesus called the Holy Spirit the Counselor of Truth and also said that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of it's sin. On Pentecost the Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles and gave them the gift of tongues. With this the apostles could speak God's word and others of all languages would understand what they said.

A: You didn't actually answer the question. It is 'something' that is represented by a dove, it provides understanding of God and it is a Counselor of Truth. BUT who or what is the Holy Spirit? God's Wife?

I have yet to meet anyone that could give a conclusive answer to this question.

A: OR are you saying Jesus is God? If that is the case why does Jesus when he supposedly took on the form of a human male and came to Earth talk of God as his Father? hmm?

The ghost of Jesus.

Answer #2:

In Christianity, there is a general belief in the Trinity; 3 aspects of God, Father, Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. This appeared at Pentecost as 'tongues of fire' descending on the assembled disciples. The idea seems similar to the 'Ruach Elohim' (Hebrew, 'Spirit of God), which has also been portrayed as tongues of fire. Star Trek fans will know the Vulcan salute; the shape the fingers make is exactly these tongues of fire, as Leonard Nimoy observed as a child in the synagogue. This aspect of God first appears in Genesis, when the 'Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters'. Interesting symbolism.

Answer 3: The Holy Spirit is the feminine force of God. Ask Leonard Nimoy, referring to it as the Sheknina durring the Jewish ritual of transconfiguration of the Holy Spirit. The Vulcan salute we are so familiar with is half of the name of God which is used when joined with the other hand during this same ritual.

Okay. How about Star Wars? Use the "force" Luke. The force is another representation of the Holy Spirit. When they say, "The force will be with you always", it is a reference to what Christ said, that he would be with us always.

I have even starting saying Christ be with you, which is not really saying that won't be with you, he made you that promise that he would be. I am really telling the person to keep Christ with them in the heart and the head.

Okay. How about the Native Americans? The "Great Spirit"? Sounds like "mother Earth" a reference to the spirit of all living things that are binded to Her. Capitalize letters when you are referring to a super-natural being. Lol.

How about this one? Remember Christ when He mentioned you can say anything about Me or my Father? But, do not blasphemy the Holy Spirit? Well, you don't talk smack about your mother, do you? That's because she may easily become offended, after all, she gave birth to you. She might not even forgive you as easily and she won't forget I can tell you that much. So be careful what you say about the spirit, people have died trying to lie to her before. That's in The Bible, too.

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The Holy Spirit is the third person of God. That means that he is God. God is Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

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