The abbreviation for the french measurement is "verge".
ma mardi
The abbreviation of numéro is no.
1er (masc) 1ère (fem)
The abbreviation for the french measurement is "verge".
There is no abbreviation for the title of Comtesse in French.
The abbreviation for French is "FR" which stands for France.
The abbreviation for "soeur" in French is "sœur".
There is no abbreviation for June, same for May and July.
the abbreviation "Enr." could be a short for "Enregistrement" (Record) in French
an abbreviation is called in French "une abréviation" (with a single 'b')
I Do Not No!
Mme.It's Mlle. Mme is the abbreviation for Madame.
The common abbreviation used is: pcs (pièces).
No, AL isn't an abbreviation fro April in French. April is written 'avril' in French and abbreviated 'Av.' or 'Avr.'