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first, or 'one'

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Q: What is the English number for the french number premier?
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Related questions

What is the number premier in french digits?

The ordinal number premier in French corresponds to the English ordinal number "first".

What is 'premier étage' when translated from French to English?

Premier étage in French is "first floor" in English.

What is 'Quel était votre premier numéro de téléphone' when translated from French to English?

Quel était votre premier numéro de téléphone? in French means "What was your first telephone number?" in English.

What is the French word for the English word first?

premier / première

What is 'premier' when translated from French to English?

"First" as an adjective and "(the) first" as a noun are English equivalents of the French word premier. The masculine singular adjective also translates as "main," "original," "primary" or "prime" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "pruh-myey" in Alsatian French.

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What is 'Sunday February 1st' when translated from English to French?

"Sunday February 1st" in English is dimanche, le premier février in French.

What is the English translation of the French phrase 'le premier'?

"The first" is an English equivalent of the French phrase le premier.Specifically, the masculine singular definite article le means "the". The masculine adjective/noun/pronoun premier translates as "first". The pronunciation will be "luh pruh-myey" in French.

How do you say day number one in french?

le premier jour

What is the number premier in french?

It's the ranking count number for 'first' (so like number one).

What is 'au premier étage' when translated from French to English?

"On the first floor" is an English equivalent of the French phrase au premier étage. The masculine singular phrase refers to ground-level access in Europe and to the second floor in the United States of America. The pronunciation will be "o pruh-mye-tazh" in Alsatian French.

What is 'Mon anniversaire est le premier' when translated from French to English?

"My birthday is the first!" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Mon anniversaire est le premier! The declaration also translates as "My anniversary is the first!" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "mo-na-nee-ver-seh-rey luh pruh-myey" in French.