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It is tri

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Q: What is the Celtic and sanskrit form for three?
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What is the language of the veda?

Although the language is Sanskrit, it is very different from the classical or traditional Sanskrit of today. The Sanskrit is called Vedic Sanskrit (a form of Indo-Iranian language) and the script is closer to certain ancient Iranian scripts than to Devnagri script of the modern age.

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The shabd roop of "dvi" in Sanskrit is "divau," in the dual form.

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The shabd DEV (divine form) of 'Balak' in Sanskrit is 'Bālakaḥ'.

How do you say three in Celtic?

There's actually no such language as "Celtic". Celtic refers to a group of dozens of languages, six of which are spoken today:BretonCornishIrish GaelicManxScottish GaelicWelsh

In what form did the Sanskrit language originate?

Sanskrit originated as an oral language and later developed a written form. The earliest compositions in Sanskrit date back to around 1500 BCE and were passed down orally through generations before being written down. The written form of Sanskrit helped standardize the language and preserve its texts.

What language is the Vedas in?

The Vedas are written in an ancient form of Sanskrit, an Indo-European language.

What former Celtic was in the movie Celtic Pride?

There were three : Bob Cousy, Bill Walton, and Larry Bird

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What is the Celtic form of seven?

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Which language were the Vedas composed?

The Vedas were composed in an ancient form of Sanskrit.

In the sanskrit mantra shanti means peace what does shantihi mean?

In Sanskrit every word has it's particular use-form, as in English the root- form of verb is'to eat' and then use-forms are is eating , ate, has eaten etc. Sanskrit is very particular about root-form and use-form.Here Shanti is root-form and shantihi is use-form. So both means peace. But in Sanskrit the word shanti will never be used as it is.