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Q: What is number 2 for the bathroom?
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Who started calling poop number 2?

There is no definitive answer as to who first started calling poop "number 2." It is likely that the term originated from the bathroom euphemism of using "number 1" to refer to urinating and "number 2" to refer to defecating. This terminology may have been popularized over time in casual conversations and popular culture.

How many tiles of 50cm2 are needed to cover a bathroom floor what is 2m long and 1m wide?

In principle, Area of bathroom = 2*1 = 2 sq metres Area of each tile = 0.5*0.5 = 0.25 sq m So number of tiles required = 2/0.25 = 8 tiles. In practice, you will need to allow for breakage.

How many times does the average person go to the bathroom in a lifetime?

An average person goes to the bathroom about 170,540 times in a life time. If you do the math you'll get the answer. You go to the bathroom 3 times a day, multiply that by the number of days in a year witch is 365 (not including leap years), then you multiply that by the number of years in a life time witch is 90, and you get 107,540. It's that simple.

What is the price of a 2 bedroom house in the US?

A 2 bedroom house in the US can be any price depending on the way its set up or built. If it is a big 2 bedroom house with a large kitchen and large bathroom chances are it will be more than a 2 bedroom house with a small kitchen and small bathroom

What is 2x2 apartment?

Its means 2 bed room and 2 bathroom of my friend suggested this site hope this will be helpful.

Related questions

How often should you be Going to the bathroom?

You should go to the bathroom about three times a day (if you are doing number one.) If youare doing number 2 than you should at least go once.

When going to the bathroom what does number 3 mean?

both Stated mathematically, it means ( 1 + 2 ) .

What is the average number of times a horse goes to the bathroom?

It never goes to the bathroom

Does the b-2 spirit have a bathroom?

No, the B2 Spirit does not have a bathroom.

Is there a number 3 in bathroom terms?


Sex in bathroom?

Make sure the bathroom is big enough for 2 people!

Where can I purchase commercial bathroom partitions?

Bathroom partitions are readily available from a number of online merchants.,, and seem to be reputable.

What is the standard size of a bathroom door?

A bathroom door is 2 foot door or a 2 foot 4 inch door.

What is number 3 in the bathroom?

The number 3 in the bathroom means that one is both vomiting and having a bowel movement simultaneously which is a result of sickness.

What does it mean when a house is listed with 2.1 bathrooms?

In many states this is a common listing and represents the equivalent of 2 and a 1/2 bathrooms. The reasoning behind listing it this way is that you may have some houses that have 2 half bathrooms. If you were to count those each as a half you would end up with a number that would indicate an extra full bathroom rather than 2 halfs. So basically, the first number indicates the number of full bathrooms and the number after the decimal point equals the number of half bathrooms. 2 full bathrooms 1 half bathroom = 2.1 bathrooms 2 full bathrooms 2 half bathrooms = 2.2 bathrooms

Bathroom Layouts?

form_title= Bathroom Layouts form_header= Create a bathroom layout that best fits your needs. What is the square footage of your bathroom?*= _ [50] How many sinks do you want in the bathroom?*= {1, 2, 3, More than 3} Is this the master bathroom?*= () Yes () No

What are the release dates for Brothers on Call - 2011 Moldy Bathroom 2-2?

Brothers on Call - 2011 Moldy Bathroom 2-2 was released on: USA: 20 May 2012