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Natural descent is basically another term for generations (as in a family-line). Legal descent is a term that deals with inheritance rules that were established to describe what happens if someone passes away and leaves no legal will.

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Q: What is natural descent and legal descent?
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Is descent with modification caused by natural selection?

No, it's the other way around: descent with modification is what you need for natural selection to happen.

What is natural descent?

Natural descent is a child that is born naturally through the will of male and female reproduction. Unnatural descent may be those born through a surrogate, or through in-vitro fertilization.

What does steps in natural descent mean?

Steps in natural descent refer to the gradual development and evolution of a species through generations, following the principles of natural selection and genetic variation. It describes the process by which traits that are advantageous for survival and reproduction become more common in a population over time, leading to the adaptation and diversification of species in response to their environment.

How did Darwin explain the patterns of distribution of plants and animals?

He explained them in terms of descent with modification, common descent and natural selection.

What are two ideas about evolution that were proposed by scientists in the 18th century?

One was Darwin's theory was the process of evolution by natural selection and the second one was Lyell's theory was that animals can adapt and change their traits to fit the environment.

What two ideas did Darwin use to explain evolution?

natural selection and common descent

What inspired Charles Darwin to write?

A fascination with the natural world, animals and plants and geology and his major discovery, his hypothesis of Natural Selection and Evolution of Descent with Modification!!

Condition #1 of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection by Descent with Modification states?

The first condition of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection by Descent with Modification is that individuals within a population exhibit variation in their traits.

What does the evidence for evolution suggest?

The evidence for evolution suggests that all living things are related through common ancestry, and that populations of organisms change over time in response to their environment. This is supported by fossil records, comparative anatomy, embryology, and molecular biology.

Is natural selection what best demonstrates the unity among all living organisms?

Natural selection is one mechanism that contributes to the diversity of life on Earth rather than demonstrating unity among living organisms. It acts on individual organisms within populations, leading to adaptations that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments. The unity among all living organisms is better demonstrated through their shared genetic code, structural similarities, and common ancestry.

What is Darwinian?

Darwinian evolution is descent with modification and natural selection, or, in other terms, reproductive variation and differential reproductive success.