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The term "precocious" has a few meanings. Generally, when you say someone is precocious, it usually means that that individual is more mentally advanced than his or her peers.

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Q: What is meant by the term precocious?
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What does precacious mean?

I was unable to find anything for "precacious" but I did find Procacious and Precocious. I'm not sure which one you might have meant Procacious was stated as meaning "pert, forward or saucy". Precocious means developing early, either mentally or physically eg. a precocious child. Hope I was of some help to you, and that this might have been what you meant (^_^)

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apt pupil the original meaning of the word 'precocious' meant 'advanced' as in learning things before the usual age of learning such things. A child prodigy use to be termed a precocious child. Now-a-days however the word means 'sexually advanced' as in a ten year old girl beginning her menstrual cycle is precocious.

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What part of speech of precocious?

The word "precocious" is an adjective. Example: That precocious child will go far, considering his IQ is 185.

Define the word precocious?

Unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental aptitude. Blossoming precocious: adj; acting or seeming older than one's age.

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Was Martin Luther King precocious?

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