what is meant by polymorph
An approximate value in terms of Money that is guesstimated.
The question is ambiguous. If you meant negative (64 squared), the value is -4096, which is a negative integer. If, instead, you meant (negative 64) squared, the value is +4096, a positive integer.
It depends on what is meant by "factual". It is a fact that the value of 100 is 100, so the factual value must be 100.
No. We need to know exactly what is meant by gage here. A piston tyre gauge measures pressures relative to atmospheric. A mercury barometer measures absolute pressure. A gauge that involves uncoiling of a coiled tube will measure absolute pressure (it will have to be calibrated). But a manometer which is open to the atmosphere on one arm will measure pressures relative to atmospheric pressure so the real pressure is the two added together.
Kin is an archaic word for "relative."
It is "Recommended Daily Allowance"
That depends on if it is meant in a romantic way or not.
it meant but head
Relative size is an option in the style tab. It means that the size should be relative or correspond to the others.
The total value of agricultural goods produced domestically (within a certain area or country).
The relative probability of survival and reproduction for a genotype.
The location of a place in relation to other places HOPES THIS HELPS
The value at which a substance starts catching fire.
value are the traditionof any society
An amt added to the value of a product, equally