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A scale with five tones is called a pentatonic scale; there are various types of pentatonic scales but the most obvious pentatonic scales can be found by playing just the black keys on the way up or down on the piano.

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Q: What is five tone scale?
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Related questions

What is petatonic scale?

Pentatonic scale in Greek means five tone scale.

A five-tone scale such as that produced by the five black keys of the piano in succession is called a?

a pentatonic

What are tones of the scale separated by?

The tones within a scale are divided by either tones or semitones. In a major scale, the order always goes: tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone. For a minor scale, in natural form, the order always goes: tone, semitone, tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone.

What are the steps in a major scale?

tone, tone, semitone, tone tone, tone, semitone

A tone row is based on what kind of scale?

A tone row is based in a Chromatic Scale

Which arrangement makes of the major C scale?

tone tone semitone tone tone tone semitone

What is the leading tone in a f major scale?

The leading tone is the seventh scale degree of the diatonic scale which in F Major is the note "E".

Why does six major scale need a black note and c major scale doesn't?

The original scales came from a fairly long each white note had a scale that ranged from itself up an octave going on all the white notes in between. The one beginning on C ended up being, what we now call a major scale and the one beginning on A is, what we now call the Harmonic minor scale. The formula for a major scale is tone, tone, semi-tone, tone, tone, tone, semi-tone.

How many tones does D Major have?

It depends if it's a chord or a scale. On guitar, the D major chord is D A D F#. So three tones. Of course, just the Major 3rd chord itself is only two. If it's a scale, you'd have to be more specific, as there are the 7 tone scale, pentatonic (the five tone scale), plus a myriad of modes.

How many steps are in a major scale?

There are eight notes (steps) in a major musical scale. If whole steps are tones and half steps are semitones, then the order is tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone.

Is THE BEAR by Rebikov written in whole tone scale?

Yes it uses the whole tone scale as there are no semitones in the melody. You are right.

Where are the half steps in any major scale?

Hi, Any major scale has this pattern: Tone, Tone, Semitone, Tone Tone Tone Semitone. Tones are 'steps' and semitones are 'half - steps'. Keep up the music playing!