

What is eratosthenes famous for?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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11y ago

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first person to fit three black cocks in his bumhole and the first to solve the quadratic bumhole of pi

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Q: What is eratosthenes famous for?
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What two math discoveries made Eratosthenes famous?

circumfrence of earth

Where was Eratosthenes born?

The famous Greek geographer named, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, was born in Cyrene in 276 BC. The city of Cyrene is now known as Libya.

What was Eratosthenes' famous quote?

"Be kind, O Bacchus, take this empty pot offered to thee by Xenophon, the sot, Who, giving this, gives all that he has got" -Eratosthenes

Where was Eratosthenes from?

Eratosthenes was from ancient greek

What is the definition of the sieve of Eratosthenes in mathematics?

The mathematical term "sieve of Eratosthenes" is defined as a simple algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to a given limit. It is named after a famous Greek mathematician of the same name.

What year did Eratosthenes die?

Eratosthenes is famous for making the first good measurement of the size of the Earth. He lived from 276 to 194 B.C. and died in Alexandria at age 82. He was rumored to have starved himself to death after going blind.

Who is the founder of prime numbers?

Eratosthenes, It says it is Eratosthenes.

Did Eratosthenes have sisters?

Yes, Eratosthenes had two sisters.

What was Eratosthenese was famous for?

Eratosthenes was famous for his highly accurate measurement of the Earth's circumference. He used the angle of the Sun's rays at different locations to calculate the distance between Alexandria and Syene, from which he determined the Earth's circumference to be approximately 40,000 kilometers. He also made significant contributions to mathematics, geography, and astronomy.

Who created the sieve of eratosthenes?

Eratosthenes, a greek philosopher, did, hence the name.

When did Eratosthenes discover the sieve?

The sieve of Eratosthenes was discovered in 223 BC.

Who were eratosthenes friends?

Eratosthenes' friend was Archimedes, he also works in Alexandria, Egypt.