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Q: What is better for constipation a fig or prune?
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Is there any such thing as fig juice?

no but there is such thing as prune juice.

when can you prune fig tree in southwest louiaians?

The best time to prune not only fig trees but all fruit trees in the south (including Louisiana) is in February. Luckily fig trees are very productive even without a lot of pruning so you can prune just a bit or a lot depending on what you like. The recommendation for pruning however is to prune dead, damaged and diseased limbs as well as tree limbs that are rubbing together. If you stick to that recommendation you will have a high yield of fruit and a healthy tree.

What is Vasoflex HD Caplet and what do it have to do with constipation?

They are really good,but best way is to use prune juice.

How much prune juice to take for constipation?

It's the same logic as heating oil for quicker effectiveness in gear traction. An alternative to Prune Juice is the Papaya. And you needn't warm it up! Don't discount the simple enema as an alternative to prune juice. It's quicker and actually healthier! Hope things are on the move soon!

What's the best thing to use on a 1 year old for constipation?

Prune juice or apple juice.

Can you give a 5 day old baby a little bit of prune juice in their formula?

To relieve constipation, yes, but dilute with water.

Do you need to prune?

If your bushes are getting out of control, then you do need to prune them. Pruning plants will help them look better and will also help them to grow bigger and better.

Does drinking water help constipation?

Yes, and if you drink water it clears out all the bad waste in your body and is key to healthy weight!!!!!!!!

Why do old people drink prune juice?

Prune juice is a good source of multiple vitamins and minerals, and many individuals of all ages enjoy its taste. But perhaps prune juice is best known for its ability to ease constipation and its gentle laxative effect. For this reason it is recommended to anyone, including children, young and older adults who have slow digestion. Prune juice also can be purchased as an organic product that is natually vegan.

How low can you prune a holly bush?

As most evergreen shrubs, it is better to prune them in early spring just before new growth begins.

Show me a picture of how to prune a fig tree?

Pruning a fig tree is much like pruning any of tree. Cut off all dead leaves and twigs while being careful not to cut the live ones. Pictures could be found in books dedicated to gardening.