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Q: What is another word for systematic agriculture?
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What is systematic agriculture?

Systematic agriculture" is not a special agriculture term or jargon. It simply means agriculture done systematically as in a careful, purposeful way.

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How can you use a sentence with systematic agriculture?

systematic agricultre is growing on a regular basis

What does systematic agriculture mean?

farming to goods

What does agriculture stands for?

Another word for farming.

What is another word for agriculture but not farming?

Agronomics, agronomy, cultivation, culture, horticulture, husbandry, and tillage are some synonyms for agriculture.

How many ways can you arrange the letters in the word stone in a systematic list?

There are at least two ways, but the answer really depends on what "systematic" means for you. One systematic way is to start with the letters in alphabetic order. Another is to start with the order in which they appear in the word "stone". In either case, they need to be permuted systematically.

What is another word for farm?

Synonyms for Farm: * farmstead * grange * ranch Viper1

What is an agriculturer?

An agriculturer is another word for an agriculturalist - a person who practises agriculture - such as a farmer or a gardener.

What is the definition of systematic agriculture?

definition for systematic agriculture?

How do you use systematic observation in a sentence?

Systematic Observation was one suggestion given to the employer by the manager. This is an example using the word systematic observation.

What was systemic agriculture?

It simply means agriculture done systematically as in a careful, purposeful, and orderly manner. For instance, systematic agriculture refers to farmers clearing a piece of land, planting a chosen crop, maintaining it, then harvesting the crop at the end.