In a general context:
.Side walk
.Towpath .Footpath
In an educational context you could also use:
. Streams
. Sets
. Bands
athome and church praymeet
Another word for the word answer is reply, response, reaction or retort.
Another word for crypt is mausoleum or vault.
what is another varb word for dimension
Another word would be angle.
spiral round about
Yes, the word 'pathway' is a noun, a word for a track or course used for walking form one place to another; the course along which something moves; a word for a thing.
I walked the .................................................... When the snow covered the sidewalk, the kids shoveled the pathway. The car blocked the pathway of the pedestrian.
Pathways is the plural.
Pathway is the area, or direction, that a dancer moves in or covers while performing.
The pentose phosphate pathway is also known as the hexose monophosphate shunt.
A long pathway between two hillsides is a ravine
The pathway in which the products of one reaction is fed into another reaction could be Metabolic Pathways. These are a series of reactions that happen inside of a cell.
athome and church praymeet