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Q: What is an inaccurate statement regarding the memory technique recite and repeat?
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What is memory technique?

Memory technique is your ability and tricks you use to memorize or learn anything. There are different techniques for different kind of people and different classes regarding your age.

What technique is used to transfer data directly from the hard disk to memory?

DMA - Direct Memory Access

What technique is used to transfer data directly from the hard disk to memory.?

DMA - Direct Memory Access

What technique is being used to transfer data directly from the hard disk to memory?

DMA - Direct Memory Access

Do betta fish lose their memory?

There are no published studies regarding betta fish memory at this point in time

Can a spouse give medical history info to a nurse?

If the patient was to ill or had inaccurate memory it would be good practice

In order for something to go from sensory memory to short term memory it must be attended to Which statement regarding the attending process is accurate?

Attending involves selectively focusing on specific information and filtering out irrelevant stimuli. It helps transfer selected information from sensory memory to short-term memory for further processing. This process is crucial for encoding and retaining meaningful information for a short period of time.

How is partitioned allocation different from relocatable partitioned allocation?

Partitioned allocation is a fixed memory allocation technique which memory spaces are divided into smaller fixed partition, while Relocatable partitioning use variable and repartitioning technique

How to write to computer memory?

Any assignment statement writes to memory. For example: F := A + 25 * X;

How do you explain how memory techniques work?

There are a wide variety of effective memory techniques. The most interesting memory technique is the use of pnemonic devices, which uses sounds to help you remember.

Whats the statement about a USB flash memory drive?

A USB flash memory drive is a removable hardware device

“Memory drivers are peripheral devices “give your opinion on this statement?

Memory drives are peripheral devices that are very useful