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Q: What is an example of spacial thinking?
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What is spacial dimension?

Spacial dimensions are the dimensions in space such as length,height and depth.

How does illogical thinking interfere with critical thinking?

If by critical thinking you mean rational thinking, then illogical thinking is it's opposite and excludes it of necessity. If instead you simply mean "thinking that is effective", then illogical thinking interferes only insofar as rational thinking is effective. Our society holds up rational analysis as an ideal, but in some situations intuitive, seemingly illogical thought produces better results. Critical thinking is sequential. Each stage or step of the thought process must be analyzed and found to be correct before moving on to the next step and the next step. And so on toward a purposeful end. This is a structured process. For example: "If A then B, if B then C, if C then D." If each step is reasoned and correct then also: "if A then D follows." Illogical thinking would interfere with the sequence somewhere, interfering and breaking the chain. For example: "If A then B, if B then K, if C then D." There's no link from B to C, interfering with the sequence.

What is the difference between analytical thinking and creative thinking?

analytical thinking is of a set rules and process of thinking. Creative thinking is outside the box and no set pattern.

Is 38 percent alot?

38% is just over a third of whatever your thinking of for example 38% of £10 million is alot of money, however, 38% of £1 is not.

What number you are thinking of?

Im thinking of the number seven that is my fav #

Related questions

What is a example of spacial thinking?

A mental map showing where to find the television remote.

What is the comparative or superlative form of the word spacial?

More spacial, the most spacial.

What is spacial?

Spacial rend is Palkia's signature move. It is not a TM. - The Fifth Grader

What is spacial dimension?

Spacial dimensions are the dimensions in space such as length,height and depth.

How do you get Palkia in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of darkness?

he is at the end of spacial rift which is 20 floors in spacial rift 10 in deep spacial rift

What is an example of visual thinking?

thinking visually..

What is spacial rend?

Spacial rend is Palkia's signature move. It is not a TM. - The Fifth Grader

What level does Palkia learn spacial rend?

Palkia learns Spacial Rend at level 40.

What move is better Roar of Time or Spacial Rend?

I think Spacial Rend would be better to use.

How do you spell spacial?


Are Spacial and Astral alike?


How much bp does spacial rend cost in Pokemon soul silver?

The move Spacial Rend isn't a TM.