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Q: What is an example of An argument from analogy?
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Can you substitute an analogy for other kinds of evidence to support points of an argument?

An analogy can be persuasive, or it can help people to understand your argument, but it isnt EVIDENCE.

What is an example of a weak analogical argument?

An example of a weak analogical argument would be: "Since airplanes and birds both fly, airplanes must be able to lay eggs like birds." This argument is weak because it draws a faulty analogy between two unrelated characteristics of airplanes and birds. Flying and laying eggs are not directly related characteristics.

What is Abbey's fallacy in this argument?

He insults his opponent to distract from the real argument. (apex)

What is a analogy for category to example for grave?

An example to category Analogy is when the pair of words name an example of a category and the category itself. Example: Beagle is to dog as Tulip is to flower.

What is analogy paragraph and its example?


What is the analogy of obedient?

An analogy is something that is similar or comparable. An example of an analogy of obedient would be a horse, since horses are perceived to be obedient animals.

What is an example of an antonym analogy?


What is an example of a n analogy in The Outsiders?

An example of an analogy in The Outsiders is when Ponyboy compares Dally to a "wild animal" that has been backed into a corner. This analogy highlights Dally's unpredictable and dangerous nature when he feels threatened or trapped.

This occurs when the terms of an analogical argument are too dissimilar to draw an inference from one term to the other?

weak analogy

What occurs when the terms of an analogical argument are too dissimilar to draw an inference from one term to the other?

weak analogy

What is an association analogy and does anyone have an example?

An association analogy is a type of analogy where the relationship between two words or phrases is based on a relationship between two other words or phrases. For example, "doctor is to stethoscope as chef is to spatula" - in this analogy, the first item is known for using or having the second item in common.