An antonym is a noun and is a word having a meaning opposite to that of another word. For example, the antonym (opposite) of the word 'old' is 'young'.
non-example, counterexample,
You can't have a complementary antonym for a noun. For example, could you tell me what the antonym for 'cat' is? And please don't say dog.
An antonym is a word that has an opposite meaning to the original word. For example the antonym of "happy" is "sad", or the antonym of "cold" is hot. The word "augment" means to make larger, more prominent or increase. There are therefore several suitable antonyms including "decrease", "diminish" and "reduce".
It would be: Not a choice, or no choices. Example: Hot, Cold.
There is no antonym for example, you can't have no example. Therefore there is no antonym for example.
An example is: Small-Large Basically, antonym means opposite.
An Antonym is a word meaning the opposite, for example the antonym of 'up' is 'down'. So the Antonym of 'singular' is 'plural'
an antonym of good is bad, an antonym of happy is sad, an antonym of success is fail etc. etc.
non-example, counterexample,
The antonym for surviving is dying.
An antonym - for example, old is the antonym of young.
One example of an antonym is if the word was good, the antonym would be bad.
calm is an example.
Unrelated is an example.