To use 'chaos' as a describing word, the easiest choice would be to use 'chaotic'. There is also different synonyms for 'chaotic' but chaotic is the closest to chaos.
No, chaos is a noun. Chaotic is the adjective form.
The word 'ease' is a noun and a verb. The adjective form is easy.Examples:She tackles the chaos with such ease. (noun)Just ease into the water and let your cares drift away. (verb)The product came with easy instructions for assembly. (adjective)
The adjective form is strategic.
"Compare" is a verb that does not have an adjective form.
Final is the adjective form.
No, chaos is a noun. Chaotic is the adjective form.
The noun anarchy has the adjective form "anarchic" (of or caused by anarchy). Similarly, the term anarchism has the adjective form "anarchistic" (like anarchy).
The word 'chaotic' is the adjective form of the abstract noun chaos.
The word 'chaotic' is the adjective form of the abstract noun chaos.
The past participle (controlled) and the present participle (controlling) can function as adjectives.-- a controlled chaos-- a controlling personality.
The word 'ease' is a noun and a verb. The adjective form is easy.Examples:She tackles the chaos with such ease. (noun)Just ease into the water and let your cares drift away. (verb)The product came with easy instructions for assembly. (adjective)
chaos is a adj. is has no plural
The noun form of chaotic is "chaos."
The adjective form of concept is conceptual.The adjective form of conception is conceptional.
The adjective form of "cranium" is "cranial."
The adjective form for the pronoun they is their.