local office
If there is division in a word problem it will be half, one fourth...
It is a division word. The quotient is the result you get when you divide a number (dividend) by another number (divisor).
Division means the same as divide
Division means to divide or cut into parts or pieces.Division means to divide or cut into parts or pieces.
Generally, Semester, or quarter.
local office
Sam found long division to be a formidable challenge. (here the word means tough)
Division: Divisjon Divide: Dividere Divided by: Delt på (from the word "dele", which also means to divide but is not the best mathematical term)
The definition of the word section means a portion or a division. The prefix "ion" is actually the suffix. A prefix appears before a core word where a suffix appears after a core word. The suffix "ion" means condition.
The base word for division would be divide.