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Q: What is a way to find the truth about something you doubt?
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Why is faith important for miracles to take place?

"Faith" in a religious context usually means something like believing without evidence. This is often proclaimed to be a virtue; I strongly disagree, since this is NOT a good way to find the truth. Also, in response to the question, I strongly doubt that faith will have any influence on whether miracles occur or not.

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Scientific investigation is the best, and maybe only way to find the truth in something without the results being skewed by personal opinions.

When she says you dont believe you is she lying?

If she says she does not believe you then chances are she believes your lying. If she wants you to believe her and your not sure if she is telling the truth that is something you have to decide and find out for yourself. Speak with her either way to find out what it is you are asking.

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Usally when a gui likes you he will stare or do something, but you can never be sure you have to ask him one way or anothe to be sure and find out the truth!

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Generally speaking there is no such thing as a good pet shop, because in reallity you have no way of knowing if they are telling you the truth about how they obtain their animals. When in doubt buy from a breeder, unless you are looking for birds or something like that.

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If you have the will to do something, you will find a way to achieve it. If you want something, you will find a way to get it.

What idea did Descartes suggest in discourse on method?

Descartes suggested the method of universal doubt as a way to arrive at certain knowledge. He proposed doubting everything that could be doubted in order to find a foundation of truth that is indubitable. This led him to his famous conclusion: "I think, therefore I am."

One way to find the mass of something?

One way to find the mass of something is to use a scale or balance. Place the object on the scale and measure the reading in grams or kilograms. This measurement represents the mass of the object.

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In a way you have to decide it yourself. Ask yourself what is the book trying to tell me? In a way it's like a moral of the story

Buddha believed the only way to find the truth was to give up?

all desires

What is the proper way to say give the benefit of doubt or give the benefit of the doubt?

The doubt. The doubt. The doubt.