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Q: What is a system of rules identifying certain qualities or characteristics with other qualities or characteristics?
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What four qualities make up a plant?

The root system, the stem or trunk, the leaves and the reproduction method (flower, seeds, etc) make up the four qualities or characteristics of a plant.

What is clasification?

Classification is a word used to describe an action of verifying something. This verifying uses shared qualities or characteristics of the object.

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What does it mean by global characteristics?

Global characteristics refer to overarching qualities or traits that are common across a wider scope, such as a system, population, or region. These characteristics can include trends, patterns, or features that are pervasive and impactful on a larger scale. Understanding global characteristics can provide insights into broad phenomena or dynamics.

What are vegetative characteristics?

Vegetative characteristics in plants refer to features related to growth and development that are not directly associated with reproduction. This includes traits such as leaf shape, stem structure, root system, and overall plant morphology. Vegetative characteristics are important for identifying different plant species and understanding their ecological roles.

What are fundamental qualities?

Fundamental qualities are basic traits or characteristics that are essential to something's nature or existence. They represent the core attributes that define the essence of a system, concept, or object.

Why do scientists use the classification system?

Scientists use the classification system to organize and categorize living organisms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships. This system helps in understanding the diversity of life on Earth, identifying species, and studying patterns of evolution.

What are some examples of systems?

Biometrics is the system of identifying humans through personal characteristics. Examples of biometric systems include the scanning of the iris/retina, fingerprint scanning, and handwriting scanning. Another example of a biometric system is the scanning of the voice in order to recognise the speaker.

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A system of identifying individuals or families by visual badges?

it is a heraldary.

What are the characteristics of file system?

The characteristics of file-base system are as follows:StorageOrganizationCollections of dataReadableManipulating optionsCoding