Some synonyms for "Very Odd" are:weirdstrangetwistedinteresting
Even Number
different, atypical, unfamiliar, uncommon, unique, special, rare, odd, extraordinary, amazing
odd. odd=odd odd+odd=even odd+odd+odd=odd it keeps alternating in that fashion
because... odd+odd=even even+odd=odd e.g 1+1+1=3 odd+odd+odd=odd
Some synonyms for "Very Odd" are:weirdstrangetwistedinteresting
yes it is
Equal is a synonym for not odd. It begins with the letter e.
odd, special, unusual
Even Number
Synonyms for the word odd include strange, peculiar, queer, bizarre.
odd, abnormal, unusual, ugly
It could be odd.
Odd, strange, abnormal, unusual, unordinary, different.
Offensive Slang: homosexual or gay. Other: odd, strange, etc.