* innumerable * many * infinite * multitudinous * untold * a plethora of * a slew * umpteen * oodles * limitless * legion of * incalculable * a vast array
innumerable, in numerous, multitudinous, numberless, uncounted, innumberable, unnumbered, innumerable, countless, infinite
There have been countless time that i have forgotten my lunch.
Countless means too many to be counted.
absolute, boundless, countless, dateless, endless, incalculable, inexhaustible, infinitive, innumerable, innumerous, limitless, multitudinous, myriad, non-finite, numberless, sempiternal, unbounded, uncounted, uninflected, unlimited, unnumberable, unnumbered, unnumerable- Hope this helped. :D
A synonym for temper is temperament.
innumerable, in numerous, multitudinous, numberless, uncounted, innumberable, unnumbered, innumerable, countless, infinite
the girl was countless the girl was countless
Countless is a Adjective
There have been countless time that i have forgotten my lunch.
The adjective countless is innombrable. (innumerable)
Yes. There are countless planets in the universe.
No, the word 'countless' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The noun form of the adjective 'countless' is countlessness.
countless means numberless, so it can be used as: "He had countless posters of Jonas Brothers in his room"
Countless means too many to be counted.
there are countless possibilities to the question that you just asked.
Yes. There are countless planets and moons in the universe.
Yes. There are countless globular clusters in the universe.