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I want to improve my security system with some alarm bells.

I carefully eyed the snake with some alarm.

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The teacher viewed the student's poor grammar with some alarm. With some alarm, she realized the student had no idea how to speak proper English.

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Q: What is a sentence for 'with some alarm'?
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How do you make a sentence with the word with some alarm?

It was with some alarm I noted that my blind date was ninety-eight years old. Some alarm has been ringing all night long and I couldn't sleep at all. Some alarm their cars while others let people steal freely from them.

What is the gerund phrase in the sentence The harsh ringing of the alarm jolted me away from my pleasant dreams.?

The gerund phrase in the sentence is "ringing of the alarm." It is functioning as a noun within the sentence.

How would you use the word alarm in a sentence?

Alarm:I don't want to alarm you, but I thought I saw a suspicious person in your backyard.We have to wake up early, so don't forget to set your alarm clock.The alarm on the man's car was so loud that it kept some of the neighbors up at night.The student who pushed the fire alarm was caught and suspended.

Could you tell a sentence with preset?

I preset my alarm clock.

What is the gerund phrase in the sentence the harsh ringing of the alarm jolted me away from my pleasant dream?

"The harsh ringing of the alarm" is the gerund phrase in the sentence. A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun, and in this case, "ringing" is the gerund that is the subject of the sentence.

How do you use mischance in a sentence?

By some mischance, a police car passed by just as the alarm went off, so the burglars were caught in the act.

Is 'perforce' being used correctly in this sentence The fire alarm is so deafening that we must perforce evacuate the building?

No, perforce is not precisely correctly used in this sentence because the fire alarm is the subject of the sentence. The noise of the alarm might well indeed be unpleasant, but it alone would not require the evacuation of the building. As poor an option as not evacuating might be, it does remain an option. The alarm does not physically require an evacuation.

What is the correct writng of sentence this sentence everyone in the bank including the manager and the tellers ran to the door when the alarm rang?

Everyone in the bank, including the manager and the tellers, ran to the door when the alarm rang.

How do you use Triggered in a sentence?

The secret agent triggered the alarm on accident.

What is a sentence using dextrorotatory?

Due to the result some sort of aberrant magnetic fluctuation, my alarm clock is no longer dextrorotatory. Sorry I'm late....

What is the gerund phrase of this sentence The harsh ringing of the alarm jolted you away from your pleasant dreams?

The gerund phrase in the sentence is "ringing of the alarm." It functions as a noun and represents the action of the alarm ringing that jolted you away from your dreams.

Type the gerund phrase in this sentence.The harsh ringing of the alarm jolted me away from my pleasant dreams.?

The gerund phrase in the sentence is "ringing of the alarm."