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Q: What is a positive word you can use when stating something spread?
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If you mean the word "spread" then yes it is because you can "spread" something out.

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The word "insinuating" means suggesting or hinting at something indirectly or in a subtle way. It is often used when someone is trying to imply something without stating it directly.

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The word "fait" in French is translated to the word "fact" in English. The word is usually used when stating something that is true in a situation of explaining things.

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Amiable is a word which means friendly/pleasant/agreeable. It is therefore a positive word when used to describe something.

What is the Verb for The word statement?

State, as in "to state something" is the verb of statement.Other verbs depending on the tense are states, stating and stated.

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The word "imply" in Tagalog can be translated as "implikasyon," which means to suggest or hint at something without explicitly stating it.

What part of speech is the word spread?

The word "spread" can be a verb or a noun, depending on how it is used in a sentence. As a verb, it refers to the act of extending or dispersing over an area. As a noun, it can refer to the act of spreading something or the extent or expanse of something.

What does unfurled mean?

To spread or open (something) out or become spread or opened out. * To release from a furled state.

Is absurd a positive word or negative word?

Usually negative. You say something is absurd because you can't seek value and sense of it. Positive connotation is used as a 'slang' for something you find amusingly impossible and hard to understand.

What are positive words that start wit the letter N?

Well the word nice starts with n and shows something positive.