

What is a clever remark?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is a clever remark?
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Related questions

What word means a clever remark?

It's called a quip.

How do you use the word clever in a sentence?

1. She is a clever girl. 2. What a clever remark. 3. Jerry must be pretty clever since he got Kiley to admit her logic was flawed.

What Scrabble words have a q and end with p?

quipquip(kwp)n.1. A clever, witty remark often prompted by the occasion.2. A clever, often sarcastic remark; a gibe. See Synonyms at joke.3. A petty distinction or objection; a quibble.4. Something curious or odd.intr.v. quipped, quip·ping, quipsTo make quips or a quip.

What is the last letter of a four letter word meaning clever witty or sarcastic remark?

P, the word is quip and it ends with the letter p

What part of speech is the word remark?

Remark can be a verb (to remark) and a noun (a remark).

What is the future tense of the word remark?

The future tense of the word "remark" is "will remark."

How do you let a lesbian know you like her?

You tell her. Hi, you know I really like you and I wondered if you might feel the same way. Or some other clever remark. Life is too short to play games.

What type of remark does mercutio specialize in when he engages in word play?

Mercutio specializes in making puns and wordplay, often using double entendres and clever language to create humor and witty remarks in his conversations.

What is a sentence using remark?

She made a snide remark about his outfit at the party.

What does an offhand remark mean?

An offhand remark is a remark that is spoken without thought. Similar to something blurted out.

What part of speech is the word remarkable?

Remark can be a verb (to remark) and a noun (a remark).

What is a sentence with the word remark?

Remark as a noun - He made a rude remark about the food. What exactly did she mean by that last remark? His casual remark led to a major discovery Remark as a verb - The judges remarked on the poor standard of entries for the competition. She remarked how happy I was looking. 'It's much warmer than yesterday,' he remarked casually. *