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Q: What is a backwards L forward C backward C forward L mean in numbers?
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A forward 'k' is using in baseball scoring to mean a batter struck out swinging. a backward 'k' is used to mean a batter struck out looking.

In HorseIsle what does Semordnilap mean?

If you read it backwards it spells {Palindromes} A palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same forward and backward Mom, level); a semordnilap forms a different word backwards (saw/was, diaper/repaid).

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Backward glance

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The backward capital E (∃) means "there exists".

Words spelled the same forward and backward but mean different things?

One example is the word "live." It can mean "to be alive" when read forward, and "to reside" when read backward.

What time can you spell forwards and backwards?

If you mean, it is spelled the same forward and backwards, that probably refers to "noon".

What does the word Palindrome mean?

a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward.

What does backwards mean?

the opposite of moving forward.

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The stem retro- means "back" or "backwards". It is used in words like retrograde (going backwards) and retrospective (looking back).

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seven backwords means to srike with force as a dagger 7

What does three backward 3 mean in gang symbol?

A backwards 3 can mean an E. If this is the case it would be used in words like Hello --> H3llo

What causes a geri-chair to flip over backwards?

A geriatric chair, also known as a Geri chair may flip over backwards if they are not leveled out right with weight. By this I mean if the weight sitting in the chair is not leveled out forward to backward and the position of the chair placed where the persons feet level out their top body, the chair may flip over.