March XXI MDCCCCLXXX (1980) or March XXI XXMM (2000-20). Note that the Roman numerals for 1980 are not MCMLXXX.
November is 11 so XI-XX-MCMXCIX
20 is Arabic Numerals XX is Roman Numerals.
XX is the number 20 in Roman numerals. xx
XX is the number 20 in Roman numerals.
March XXI MDCCCCLXXX (1980) or March XXI XXMM (2000-20). Note that the Roman numerals for 1980 are not MCMLXXX.
November is 11 so XI-XX-MCMXCIX
20 is Arabic Numerals XX is Roman Numerals.
XX is the number 20 in Roman numerals. xx
XX is the number 20 in Roman numerals.
XX is 20 in Roman numerals
20 in Roman Numerals is XX
November 20, 1992 = 11 / 20 / 1992 or 20 / 11 / 1992 11 = XI 20 = XX 1992 = MCMXCII
They are: XX-IV-XCVII
The date 20-02-2002 written in Roman numerals would be XX.II.MMII