Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers.
700 in roman number is : DCC
800 in roman number is :DCCC
The equivalent Roman numeral for 2010 is MMX
800 * 700 = 560,000
mmmcxi is already a Roman numeral mmmcxi = 3000 + 100 + 11 = 3111
The Roman numeral which represents the number 800 is DCCC
100 + 700 = 800
As a Roman numeral 31 is XXXI
The equivalent Roman numeral for 2010 is MMX
It is the same distance from 700 to 800.
800 * 700 = 560,000
mmmcxi is already a Roman numeral mmmcxi = 3000 + 100 + 11 = 3111
The Roman numeral which represents the number 800 is DCCC
Do the subtractions - 735 - 700, versus 800 - 735, and see which is less.
100 + 700 = 800
It is: 800 = DCCC
700 + 800 = 1500/2 = 750