The date June 6th 2008 can also be written as 06-06-2008 and in Roman numerals this would be VI.VI.MMVIII
IVI has no meaning in Roman Numerals. IV is 4 V is 5 VI is 6 IVI does not follow the rules of how Roman Numerals work.
6, for June, the sixth month, is VI 8 is VIII 2008 is MMVIII
Let's see. 28 = XXVIII 6 = VI 2008 = MMVIII
V and VI
The date June 6th 2008 can also be written as 06-06-2008 and in Roman numerals this would be VI.VI.MMVIII
IVI has no meaning in Roman Numerals. IV is 4 V is 5 VI is 6 IVI does not follow the rules of how Roman Numerals work.
6, for June, the sixth month, is VI 8 is VIII 2008 is MMVIII
Let's see. 28 = XXVIII 6 = VI 2008 = MMVIII
V and VI
VI = 6 V=5 I=1 VI means 5+1=6 VI equals 6 because in Roman Numerals V=5 and I=1 V(5)+I(1)=6
May 29 2008 = 6/29/2008 = VI/XXIX/MMVIII
It is: III VI MMVIII which is equivalent to 3 6 2008
VI is 6 in Roman numerals.
6 = VI