50 !!
L is 50 in roman numerals.
It is: -L+C = L which is the equivalent of -50+100 = 50
It means: L = 50
LV l = 50 v = 5
Xl = -10+50 = 40
L is the Roman numeral for 50.
The Roman numeral which represented the number 50 was called quinquaginta and it was written as L
L = 50, X = 10 LX = 50 + 10 = 60
LVL is not a valid roman numeral. The translation is 50/45 which makes no sense.
Letters replace numbers in roman... L = 50, X = 10, I = 1... so 59 is LIX, meaning 50 + ten minus one...
The Roman numerals of XL stand for 50-10 = 40