The date 17-01-1986 in Roman Numerals would be XVII.I.MCMLXXXVI
The date 17-10-2006 in Roman numerals would be XVII.X.MMVI
The date 10-17-2009 can be represented by the Roman numerals X.XVII.MMIX
17 X = 10 V = 5 I = 1
10= X, 7 is VII so 17 is XVII
The date 17-01-1986 in Roman Numerals would be XVII.I.MCMLXXXVI
The date 17-10-2006 in Roman numerals would be XVII.X.MMVI
The date 10-17-2009 can be represented by the Roman numerals X.XVII.MMIX
17 X = 10 V = 5 I = 1
10= X, 7 is VII so 17 is XVII
The date 08-17-2006 in Roman numerals would be VIII.XVII.MMVI
The date 17-03-1989 in Roman numerals would be XVII.III.MCMLXXXIX
It is normally only customery to dislpay years in roman numerals. 17 = XVII = 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 3 = III = 1 + 1 + 1 1991 = MCMXCI = 1000 + (1000 - 100) + (100 - 10) + 1 So 17/03/1991 = XVII / III / MCMXCI
It is: ((MDCC)) which means 10*1000*1700 = 17,000,000
They are the Roman numerals for 9, 10, 16 and 17.
To write 17 in Roman numerals, you would represent it as XVII, where X is 10, V is 5, and II is 2. For 25, you would write it as XXV, with X representing 10 and V representing 5, totaling 25. Roman numerals follow a specific set of rules for combining symbols to represent numbers.