How tall am I? can be translated: "quelle taille est-ce que je fais ?" or "quelle est ma taille ?" in French
quelle est ta taille ?
There is no French translation of "how" as in "to what extent". So you have to be a little creative when you translate such sentences. For example, How big is the circle? could be translated as Quelle est la taille du cercle ? Il est gros, le cercle ? A quel point le cercle est-il grand ? Combien est-ce que le cercle mesure ?
"combien est-ce que tu pèses ? " or "quel est ton poids ?"
Le mystère est résolu.
Est le... in French means "Is the..." in English.
Qui est...? in French is "Who is...?" in English.
How tall am I? can be translated: "quelle taille est-ce que je fais ?" or "quelle est ma taille ?" in French
Est-il moche? in French is "Is he ugly?" in English.
Comment est-il? in French means "How is he/it?" in English.
Comment est votre...? in French means "How is your...?" in English.
Est-ce que...? in French means "Is it that...?" in English.
is that / is this / is it ...
Qui est de Paris? in French is "Who is from Paris?" in English.
"who is it ? who is he ? who is she ?"
Ton français est excellent! in French means "Your French is excellent!" in English.
"When translated to English, 'Quel est ton prénom' means 'What is your first name?'"