I witnessed my husband commiting suicide..he had the door locked and i couldn't stop him.I went straight into shock and severely panicked. Even months afterwards I felt i went crazy. I thought i was losing my mind..i could not focus on my job or make rational decisions. My mind could not comprehend the simplest things and i had trouble talking and conversing with others. I forgot what i did or where i put things. I couldn't remember something i said or did a second ago and still have that problem. I would forget words and actually thought i was becoming retarded. People thought i was on drugs the way i acted and talked. I lost jobs and still cannot hold one down. I was insane so to speak. Even with therapy i still was incapable of doing ordinary things. Lost interest in most things and thought everyone was out to get me. Blamed myself for everything and felt shunned by God. I still have panic attacks and developed high blood pressure and shake and tremble and cry. I pray alot and ask God to deliver me from the darkness that surrounds me. God has helped me..but I still feel out of touch for the most part. I find myself being numb and can't feel nothing but pain and anxiety.
Yes, you should do something.The first step would be to contact a trusted and reliable adult, counsellor or friend. If the person is in immediate danger of death, contact the Police immediately through your country's emergency number.Likewise, if you witness a suicide, telephone the Police through the National Emergency Number (111, 911, 000, 999, etc).
Some have mistakenly thought the word means to see something, but that is only a minor definition of the word. The main meaning is to tell about, proclaim, or bear testimony for something or someone.
If there are suitable custodial figures within the family -- a surviving spouse, parents, they can petition that the childrens' custody revert to them. Without such available custodians, custody of minor children will typically resort to the State. As to the trauma of suicide for surviving kids, the results depend a lot of the age and maturity of the child. Children too young to comprehend will be effected later in life, but may remain somewhat unscathed. However, children who comprehend the act (or worse, witness it or it's aftermath) are typically traumatized. The extent of this damage can range from what I'd call moderate all the way to very extreme, In any case, suicide often casts a shadow on the remainder survivors' lives.
The word "witness" is in the King James Version of the Bible 135 times. It is in 119 verses.
The Jehovah witness bible i think remove the word that JESUS IS GODS SON.
Yes, you should do something.The first step would be to contact a trusted and reliable adult, counsellor or friend. If the person is in immediate danger of death, contact the Police immediately through your country's emergency number.Likewise, if you witness a suicide, telephone the Police through the National Emergency Number (111, 911, 000, 999, etc).
witness or verification witness
A witness is someone who was present at an occurrence.
A man if he happens to be on the scean of a crime or accident can be called in a charge as an eye witness.
An accountable witness is someone who can prove they were at the scene of the crime.
I did not witness a situation where someone killed a bug and blood came out.
Jack the Ripper was never caught so we don't know when he died.Most of the witness accounts agreed that he was between 25 and 35 years old when he was commiting the murders.
One who happens to be on place of occurrence by chance is called a chance witness.
The court decides on whether a witness is qualified as an "expert witness" or not.
Answer They sometimes can be called an expert, a witness, or an expert witness.
= If someone were to witness a week of your life what assumptions would that person make? =
Information gathered by someone who did not take part or witness is called second hand information.