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Q: What form does an adjectives use comparing 3 or more things?
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What is the superlative and comparative word of ordinary?

Comparative is comparing between 2 things and is done by adding "more" in front of the word. The superlative is comparing 3+ things and is achieved by adding "most" in front of the word. The comparative form of ordinary would be "more ordinary" and the superlative would be "most ordinary".

Can we change comparative degree into superlative degree?

Yes we can.For short adjectives the comparative form is -- adjective + er + than -- big bigger than , tall taller than , pretty prettier thanFor short adjectives the superlative form is -- the + adjective + est -- big the biggest, tall the tallest, pretty the prettiest.(Watch the spelling for adjectives ending in -y)For longer adjectives the comparative form is - more + adjective + than -- more interesting than, more exciting than.For longer adjectives the superlative form is - the + most + adjective -- the most interesting, the most exciting.So to change a comparative into a superlative you just change the form egwider than = the widestmore unusual than = the most unusual

Comparative and superlative forms?

The comparative form of a verb is the form used when comparing something or someone to one other. It is usually created by adding the suffix -er to the verb or by preceding the verb with the word more. The superlative form is used when comparing something or someone to at least two others. It is usually created by adding the suffix -est to the verb or by preceding the verb with the word most.

What are comparative and superlative adjectives for carefully?

more carefully, most carefully

What are the degrees of comparison for adjectives and adverbs?

The three degrees of comparison are:positive - no comparison (e.g. tall)comparative - between two things (e.g. taller, taller of, taller than)superlative - between three or more things (e.g. tallest, tallest of, the tallest)

Related questions

Is happiest an adverb or adjective?

The word 'happiest' is an adjective; the superlative form of the adjective 'happy' (happier, happiest). There are three types of adjectives: -Normal adjectives -Comparative adjectives, comparing only out of two things -Superlative adjectives, comparing three or more things. For bad, it would be: -Bad -Worse -Worst.

When to use More or most?

Use "more" when comparing two things, and "most" when comparing three or more things. For example, "She is more talented than him," and "She is the most talented person in the group."

What is the comparative form of tense?

The comparative form of "tense" is "more tense." It is used when comparing the degree of tension between two or more things or situations.

What is the comparative form of lively?

The comparative form of the word lively is livelier. Its very easy example: large larger largest. or When comparing two things, you use a comparative. The comparative form of an adjective has either the word "more" or the ending "-er." Two-syllable adjectives that end with "y" form the comparative by dropping the "y" and adding "ier."The comparatives for lively are livelier and liveliest.

What is the superlative and comparative word of ordinary?

Comparative is comparing between 2 things and is done by adding "more" in front of the word. The superlative is comparing 3+ things and is achieved by adding "most" in front of the word. The comparative form of ordinary would be "more ordinary" and the superlative would be "most ordinary".

Is hard a comparative of difficult?

No, they are just synonyms. The comparative of difficultis more difficult (the superlative is the most difficult). The comparative of hard is harder (the superlative is the hardest).

Which is grammatically correct Simpler approach or more simple?

Both "simpler" and "more simple" are grammatically sound. Simple had an unstressed vowel in ending the second sylable so using the -er patter is acceptible. More simple is technically sound, but it is unusual with shorter adjectives to use the superlative or comparative with more.

When do you use more and most?

"More" is used when comparing two things, while "most" is used when comparing more than two things. For example, "She is more outgoing than him" and "She is the most outgoing person in the group."

Is most friendly grammatically correct?

No, "most friendly" is not grammatically correct. The correct form would be "friendliest" when comparing three or more things.

What is the comparative and superlative meaning if the word tactful?

The comparative form of tactful is more tactful, and the superlative form is most tactful. They are used to indicate degrees of tactfulness when comparing two or more things or individuals.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word tender?

The comparative form of "tender" is "more tender," and the superlative form is "most tender," when comparing the degree of tenderness in different things.

Why do writers use adjectives?

Writers use adjectives to provide specific details that enhance the description of nouns, making the writing more vivid and engaging for the reader. Adjectives help create a more complete picture or evoke specific emotions or sensory experiences. They add depth and color to the language, bringing the text to life.