

Best Answer

You're asking about two of the four Cs in diamond grading: clarity and colour.


The numbers are self-explanatory. The initials are:

  • VS - very slight
  • SI - slight inclusion

You can read more, below.


The colours you list are in the second tier of desirable colours for 'colourless' diamonds, D through H, being the most desirable.

You can read more, below.

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Q: What does vs1 vs2 si1 and si2 mean in clarity grading and what does ijklmno in colour grading mean?
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What does vs mean in diamond?

In grading a diamond's clarity, VS indicates Very Slight.

What does clarity H1 mean in a diamond?

Clarity grade H1 is not a standard diamond grading term. The standard clarity grading scale for diamonds ranges from Flawless (FL) to Included (I). It is possible that H1 is a custom or internal grading designation used by a specific jeweler or diamond dealer.

What does vs mean in diamond clarity?

The full form of vs is very slight.You can read more about GIA clarity grading systems, below, which include the vs assignment in context.

What does clarity HI clarity I2-I3 mean in a diamond?

Clarity H-I sounds more like the colour grade. Clarity I2-i3 means that there are two or three visible inclusions in the diamond. This is the lowest clarity grade for gem-stone quality diamonds.

What is you clarity on a diamond?

If by 'you' you mean 'U', and you're query is about clarity and not colour, it is possible that 'U' indicates unenhanced. Unenhanced diamonds are more valuable than enhanced diamonds.

What does Ef mean in diamond grading or colouring?

"Ef" in diamond grading stands for "Extra Fine." It is used to describe a high-quality diamond that is very close to being colorless, with only slight traces of color visible. This grade is just below the highest color grade of D in the GIA diamond grading scale.

What does clarity 12 mean in diamond?

Clarity 12 is not a standard clarity grade for diamonds. Clarity is usually graded on a scale from Flawless (FL) to Included (I), with different subcategories within this range. A clarity grade of 12 likely does not correspond to any recognized grading system for diamonds.

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Why is it useful to know the mean average?

when you are grading you can use the mean as an average.

What is an SI quality diamond?

An SI quality diamond refers to a diamond that has inclusions that are slightly visible to the naked eye under close examination. SI stands for "slightly included" and is a clarity grade in the Gemological Institute of America's grading system. These diamonds offer a balance between quality and value.

What does claritie mean?

If something "lacks clarity" it means it is confusing or the purpose is unclear.

What does lack clarity mean?

If something "lacks clarity" it means it is confusing or the purpose is unclear.