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equal & fairness

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Q: What does the word justice mean to you?
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What does the root word jus mean?

The root word "jus" means "law" or "right" in Latin. It is commonly used in words related to justice, such as just, justice, and justify.

What is the opposite word of justice?

injustice.The opposite word for justice is the word injustice.

What is the Arabic word for Justice?

عدالة is the arabic word of Justice.

What does the name Adla mean in Japanese?

"Adla" is not a Japanese name and so it has no meaning in Japanese, but in Tanzanian, it means "justice" and the Japanese word for justice is "seigi."

How many syllables are in the word justice?

The word justice has two syllables.

What type of noun is the word Justice?

The word "Justice" is a common noun.

What kind of noun is the word justice?

The noun 'justice' is a concrete noun as a word for a judge or a magistrate, a word for a person.The word 'justice' is an abstract noun; a word for a quality of fairness and reason; a word for a concept.

What is the base word for the word injustice?

The base word for "injustice" is "justice."

Is justice a noun or an adjective?

The word 'justice' is a noun, a word for a quality of fairness and reason, a word for a concept; a word for a judge or a magistrate, a word for a person.The adjective form is 'just'.

What is the Aramaic word for 'justice'?

The Aramaic word for 'justice' is "צדק" (tsedeq).