

What does the word deficit mean?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

Best Answer defines deficit in this way: "deficency in amount or quality, a lack or imparement in functional capacity, and disadvantage." Basically to have a deficit means to have less than you need.

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How do you use the word defict on a sentence?

Defict is not a word. You could mean defect of deficit. Here are sentences for them: She brought the product back to the shop it was bought it as she had found a defect in it. The government deficit had dropped.

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The antonym of deficit is surplus.

A sentence for the word Deficit?

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A sentence with the word deficit?

The government is facing a deficit of $3 billion.

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For example, "I have attention deficit disorder. "

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Use the word deficit in a sentence?

The countries imports outweighed their exports resulting in a trade deficit.

Can you give me a sentence with the word trade deficit?

Obama is putting our country in even more debt due to the overuse of trade deficit.

What does it mean to have a deficit?

That more was spent than was earned

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Fluid Volume Deficit

What is another word for lack of focus?

ADD, or attention deficit disorder is a disorder that makes someone loose attention. You could use attention deficit.