consecutive; one follows the other with no others in between
a phrase commonly used
it means alot of.
The same Latin phrase is on EVERY U.S. coin - E Pluribus Unum, meaning "From Many, One". It refers to the fact that the U.S. is one country made up of many states and people. You did look at other coins to see if they had the same phrase, I assume - ??
Winner takes all
Have my back means "defend me"
Back into the fight. Could also mean back into the struggle of life.
go back in time
It means "way back when"
you will never go back to it
To put on the back burner means to delay doing something till later.
This means that the person who said it is "watching your back", and is there to support you. "Watching your back" or "Got your back" means that they are in support and there to defend you if needed.
Sit back and enjoy it.
"Vuelve a mi" is Spanish for "come back to me" or "return to me." It expresses a desire for someone to return or come back into one's life.
The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" has come to mean an irrevocable move, something you cannot take back.
A sheep fold is a sheep pen, a place of safety. The phrase is to welcome someone back after they have been away.