who had the first experience in the bible and what do hope mean in the bible
The first book in the Bible was Exodus. The first Name mentioned in the Bible was Adam.
the first translation was in English while the first bible printed was called guttenbergs bible.
The bible came first.
Eve was the first lady in the bible.
The bible has a hard black cover
read the bible.
read The Bible.
He was a handsome man.
what did the first telegraph look like?
The bible states that he was black.
the 1400s, Im pretty sure, look it up
Abraham was a very old man in the bile.
See a Bible movie and you will get and idea.
Dolphins first look like human baby's with fins
The Bible doesn't say, but he probably looked like any other jew.
No one really knows what Mary or other people in The Bible look like. We just tend to rely on how the artists , painters, sculptors illustrate them.