The Bible does not define the term or word wilderness; it merely uses it several times, and it is assumed that the reader knows the definition used by the writer concerned.
Generally speaking, it meant the uncultivated area outside of a town or city. We might nowadays say countryside.
281 times (Word search using Online Bible word search function)
The word Rock appears 142 times in the bible. I say this respectfully, why not have a go at looking at all of the books the word is mentioned in.
The word "law" is in the King James Version of the Bible 523 times. It is in 459 verses.
There are over 200 names and titles given to Jesus Christ in the Bible, and as the Bible says that he is the living word, (John1.14), we may say the same for God's word.
The bible says we are not to pray to saints.
Deuteronomy (chapter 1). It speaks of a particular distance, not the entire time they were in the wilderness (which was forty years).
Nothing. The word Tennessee is not in the Bible.
It doesn't.
It doesn't say that. It cannot. The word - biblical - does not appear in the Bible.
The word "orange" does not appear in the KJV bible.
The word "ishmel" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible.
The word "lemon" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible.
The Bible does not say anything about John the Baptist being shipwrecked. His ministry was in the wilderness.
It means 'uplifting'.
The word "Galilee" appears in 71 verses of the KJV bible.
No word on this. But the Bible does say that the married man and woman are now "one flesh". (Ephesians 5.31)