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(Romans 15:13) . . .May the God who gives hope fill YOU with all joy and peace by YOUR believing, that YOU may abound in hope with power of holy spirit.

Paul, as the 'Apostle to the nations' was used by God to preach to both the Jews and the non-Jewish nations, and teach them about Jesus and God's promises for the future. Because this was a HUGE departure from the norm, for many Jews, Paul's letter to the Roman congregation of Christians, discusses the new equality between Jews and non-Jews. In it he asks for love and patience to be shown to 'brothers' who may be having problems accepting this change. Paul shows that the inspired Hebrew Scriptures had long foretold that the good news would be proclaimed also to the non-Jews.(Romans 14:1-15:33)

Chapter 15 is full of council on showing kindness, patience, 'putting up with' one another, BECAUSE the belief and faith in Jesus is the thing that unites the Christian congregation. Vs 13 is Paul's hope that the congregation will be blessed by God, with Joy and Peace, for their faith and good behavior.

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Q: What does the Bible verse in Roman chapter 15 verse 13 mean?
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