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Having moral integrity, acting in strict regard to what is right and proper.

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upstanding, good morals and principles.

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Q: What does scrupulously means?
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Scrupulously in a sentence?

He behaved scrupulously and is beyond suspicion. I scrupulously scrubbed the car - leaving not a mark or a blemish.

What part of speech is the word scrupulously?

Scrupulously is an adverb.

How can you use scrupulously in a sentence?

I know he was honest because he always acted scrupulously.

How would you use scrupulously in a sentence?

Investigating detectives could not find any forensic evidence at the murder scene, because it had been scrupulously cleaned.

How do you maintain pressure cooker?

Keep it scrupulously clean and don't let the gasket dry out.

What are synonyms for exactly?

accurately, correctly, precisely, fatihfully, explicitly, scrupulously, truthfully, unerringly

Is there a treatment for all allergies?

No, not yet. But it is possible to identify and control allergies, either with medication or by scrupulously avoiding the substances that cause an unwanted reaction.

How do you use the word gynecology in a sentence?

Doctors in gynecology have to scrupulously avoid sexual situations with their patients. In female sexual matters, gynecology and psychology are connected fields of medicine.

What are the synonyms for rigorously?

painstakingly, attentively, conscientiously, exactly, faithfully, fastidiously, fully, heedfully, laboriously, meticulously, particularly, precisely, prudently, reliably, scrupulously, thoroughly, vigilantly, watchfully

Will your account be confiscated if you use a currently used key in Blockland?

There is a distinct possibility that violating the terms of use could invalidate your license to use the site. This is something to be scrupulously avoided.

Is jinnha was the honest person?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah may not have been the wisest decision maker, but he was scrupulously honest. He was a dictator who made solo judgements for the benefit of?æhis people regardless of the general opinion.

What kind of boot sock should I wear if I have athlete's foot?

Natural-fibre fabrics may be the best, but the real answer is not to worry about the fabric so much as to change them daily, wash them scrupulously and apply appropriate fungicide to the fully-washed feet.