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Q: What does repetiton of words mean?
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In Anglo-Saxon poetry what is repetiton?

create alliteration. *APEX*

What is the repetiton of similar consonant sound or patterns especially at the end of words called?

It's most found at the last word of each line in poems, and it is called (rhyme)

What is the purpose of repetiton in poetry?

Repetition is most often used for emphasis.

Is Rhyme repetiton of vowels or consonant sounds?

Rhyme is repetition of both vowel and consonant sounds in words, creating a similar sound pattern at the end of lines in poetry or songs.

What is an example of repetiton in romeo and Juliet?

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

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what are words that almost mean impending

How do you define meditation?

meditation may be defined as selective focussed concentration on a object either animate or inanimate and or repetiton of sequence of words of sacred nature or focussedconcentration of particular body part or parts either relax or contract simultaneously or in orderly sequence. after doing for years one will develop ability to understand the benefit of meditation from medical point of view.

What term is defined as repetiton of vowel sounds without the repetition of consonants?

Repeated vowel sounds is assonance.Repeated consonant sounds (in a word or words) is consonance.The repetition of stressed consonants is called alliteration.

What words mean hundered?

No words mean "hundered", there is no such English word as "hundered".

What are some words that mean like?

Some words that mean like:Fond ofFavorresembleakin to