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V on a light bulb means volts. W means watts.

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V can mean Volts and W is Watts.

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Q: What does it mean by writing V and W in a bulb?
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In a 100 watt light bulb how many volts are in it?

If it's a 100 W bulb that does not say everything about it. It could be a 12 v, 24 v, 120 v or a 230 v bulb, or other voltage. Look on the case or the packet.

The current in a 100-W bulb connected to a 120-V source is?

The apparent answer to the question would be (100 W)/(120 V) = 0.8333 A, assuming that, as a pure resistance load, the light bulb has a power factor close to 1.0.

What power does a light bulb with 120V and 5A have?

Power= V * A so 120 V * 5 A = 600 W (J/s)

How much amount of current does a 14 watt cfl bulb consumes?

A 240 v 14 w cfl bulb uses about 0.14 amps.

When compared in a given time interval with other light bulbs connected to a 120 V circuit a 60 W lightbulb?

A 60 W light bulb consumes more power (produces more light) than a 40 W light bulb in a given time interval when both are connected to a 120 V circuit. This is because power is directly proportional to the wattage rating of the light bulb.

Which equation should be used to calculate how much current in amps is required to achieve the full 100 W output from the 9 V bulb?

I = p/v = 100w/9v = 11.11ai = p*v = 100w*9v = 900ai = (p/2)*v = 50w*9v = 450ai = p*2*v = 100w*(9v + 9v) = 8100a

Can a 85 watt headlight bulb be used to replace a 45 watt fog light bulb?

To do any replacements of different bulbs you have to consider what the new current will be and if the wire size and fuse will be able to take the new current (amps). Use this formula, W = A x V or A = W/V.

How much current would flow through a 75 w bulb in a 220 v curcuit?

The formula you are looking for is I = W/E. Amps = Watts/Volts.

A 100w electric light bulb is connected to 200v supply calculate the current following in the bulb?

40W Bulb will spiol due to over current passing through its coilAnswerSince the 40-W lamp has a higher resistance than the 100-W lamp, the greater voltage drop will appear the 40 W lamp. As a result the 40 W lamp will be subjected to a voltage beyond its 100-V rating, and the 100-W lamp will be subjected to a voltage below its 100-V rating. Therefore, the 40-W lamp will burn much more brightly than the 100-W lamp.Incidentally, the symbols for the 'watt' and 'volt' are upper, not lower, case: W and V.

Which one is having lesser resistance . if a 220V 60W bulb or 220V 40W bulb?

A 60 watt incandescent bulb using 120 Volts draws about one-half amp. Watts = Volts x Amps (For a resistive load). By Ohm's Law Volts = Current x Resistance so R = 120 V / .5 A = 240 Ohms. Doing the same math for a 40 watt bulb you get 360 Ohms.

Which has a more resistance a 100 W bulb or a1000 W heater?

A 1000 W heater would have more resistance compared to a 100 W bulb. The higher the power rating of an electrical device, the lower its resistance, as resistance is inversely proportional to power. So, the 1000 W heater would have lower resistance than the 100 W bulb.

On a Volvo 850 Wagon what does the indicator light with the light bulb w an exclamation point mean?

it means that a bulb is burned out