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Very painful!

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Q: What does it feel like to be hung by a rope around your neck?
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What proof is there for the Tollund Man's death?

There were rings around his neck, which proves he was hung.

What is a ahnging?

a hanging is a form of capital punishment where someone is hung by a rope around their neck until dead.

What does a giraffe feel?

The Feel Like A Horse With A Long neck

When was John Wilkes Booth hung?

He was never hung. He was shot in the neck.

Is the esophagus anterior to the vertebral column?

i would also like to kno the answer Yes, even if you feel your neck you can know that. If you feel your neck, you can feel your larynx and trachea. If you feel the back of your neck, you can feel vertebrae. Hope this answered your question!

What did the mice do about the cat in The Brave Mice?

In "The Brave Mice," the mice placed a bell around the cat's neck to alert them of its presence, allowing the mice to avoid the cat.

My friend's dog jumped out of the back of his pickup truck while a leash was around its neck and hung by his neck. He seemed completely unfased after the ordeal. Can a dog actually be hanged?


How many times was the rope wrapped around the neck of those hung?

The rope of the traditional hangman's noose made a single loop around the neck. The knot securing the loop included 13 wraps of the end of the rope.

How did Brad Pitt get the scar around his neck in IB?

I heard it was a scar from a nuce from when he was almost hung, maybe that's in the real movie.

What is the meaning of pendant?

Pendant is from the Latin pendere ("hanging") and refers to a jewel, medal, or ornament hung around the neck on a necklace or chain.

What were blackbeard's punishments?

He was hung by the neck until he was dead.

What are the three steps of the process 'hung drawn and quatered'?

person is hung by the neck, then drawn, which is to split the torso from under the neck to the crotch,then quartered, which is the arms and legs cut off